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Burnishine Flexo Plate Wipes - Perfect for Cleaning Photopolymer and Rubber Flexographic Plates and Equipment

by Beta Screen Corporation
Price $ 270.00

Burnishine Flexo Plate Wipes

Highly Absorbent, Synthetic Low Lint Wipes for Flexo Plates and Equipment. Gentle, low-lint wiping pad.

Perfect for cleaning photopolymer and rubber flexographic plates and equipment.

Made using a non-scratch material that will not damage flexo plates or equipment.

These wipes save time — No more folding, stuffing or cutting materials!


  • Highly absorbent! Can absorb up to 10 times its weight in ink and fluids!

  • Low-lint– made with single extruded 100% rayon instead of cotton fibers

  • Non-scratch—safe for photopolymer and rubber flexo plates and equipment

  • Saves time and labor —no need to cut up materials for make-shift pads

    4” x 5” - 144 per case

  • Economically priced! Performs as good as or better than leading Flexo wipes.

  • Made in the USA


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