BetaFlex Pro2 $1,000 Trade-In - Trade-Up / $500 Discount (Without Trade-In)
by Beta Screen CorporationBetaFlex Pro2 Plate & Image Analyzer Trade-In/Trade-Up Through December 31st, 2024.
Betaflex Pro2 Trade-In Brochure (English)
BetaFlex Pro Brochure (English)
BetaFlex Pro2 Intercambio (Trade-In) (Spanish)
Betaflex Pro2 Brochure (Spanish)
BetaFlex Pro2 Price list
Upgrade your older BetaFlex, or other Flexo Analyzer, to the current State-of-the-Art in Flexo Control and Measurement.
Beta Industries is offering a $1,000 Trade-In / Trade-Up for your older Betaflex (330,334,335, Betaflex Pro1 or other flexo analyzer) or $500 Discount without Trade-In. Click here for details
The BetaFlex Pro2 is the long time industry standard for flexographic plate and image analysis with a well established history of 25+ years of support and service to our customers.
Included at no extra cost is Beta's well known BetaColor Viewer 3, hand held image color separation with magnification, "See Yellow as Clearly as BLACK!", a $515 value.
Contact us for more details or to discuss this offer.
The BetaFlex Pro2 - Improvements, Feature / Benefits
The BetaFlex Pro2 now includes 4-different focus levels to obtain even sharper images inside the plate down to the plate floor
New electronics and microprocessor technology, field upgradable Firmware, new LED technology with more powerful illumination
New reflection illumination, including RGB illumination from two sides and IR illumination for black ink separation
New transmission LED’s, controlled by the microprocessor improving inter-instrument agreement
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