by Beta IndustriesCustomized 25" Color Bar
"EyeScan" Customized Color Bars are the only color bars made to match your press's exact spacing and ink key zones, using grey balance targets in every zone. They are the best and easiest way to achieve press color. A thorough, as well as intuitive system to put more jobs on press faster, greatly reducing wasted make ready. Compared to the customized color bar, other random, generic color bars make color and image adjustment much more difficult, time consuming and costly. It is the perfect combination of visual verification and color measuring. We can also make EyeScan Color Bars to fit your exact needs, regardless of press type, size, layout or need.
What is Grey Balance? Grey Balance is a simple system that is both visually and instrumentally verifiable and understood by color professionals to most easily achieve production color. It combines cyan, magenta, and yellow to produce a visual grey. It eliminates much of the guess work and experimentation used to get to color on press.
With A Glance the press operator easily sees the slightest change in gray balance and color density while measuring color values using a BetaColor Densitometer, (Models S4 Xpress, S4, or Spectro-Dens 2000) or other, to quickly adjust ink keys for perfect balance across the sheet.
Every Customized EyeScan Color Bar contains:
- gray balance patches
- process yellow, magenta, cyan, and black
- 25%, 50%, 75% dot gain targets
- resolution and trap color targets
- at every fourth ink key zone, the gray balance target is adjacent to a 50% black tint for visual verification
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